web data management
Il nostro è un team che si occupa ormai da piu' di un decennio della risoluzione delle problematiche informatiche, in particolare ci piace poter offrire la nostra competenza in ambito telematico, dalla progettazione su misura della vostra infrastruttura web, alla realizzazione del vostro software e dei vostri portali.



ldap installation on debian

ldap installation on debian

Two steps to install ldap and phpldapadmin on a debian server. login as su run:apt-get install slapd the setup will ask you nothing more than a password run:apt-get install phpldapadmin go to http://yourhost.com/phpldapadmin to login by default it pre-fills...


Could DF have a different value than DU?

Could DF have a different value than DU?

df = disk free du = disk usage On linux this two commands are used to show the disk space. Since some days ago my server had the /root partion quite full, I looked around in it but I couldn't find the really big directory with anomaly files to purge. Usually I use...


DokuWiki & Joomla integration: Jfusion login problem

DokuWiki & Joomla integration: Jfusion login problem

Jfusion doesn't allow the auto login between the two sistems due the last changes in the cookie core system from Dukuwiki. As noted in the following changelog at http://www.dokuwiki.org/changes for Release 2011-05-25 “Rincewind” - Security enhancements for cookie...


MYSQL - restore db

MYSQL - restore db

Da riga di comando mysql, per fare il restore (ripristinare) di un db precedentemente archiviato in un file con estenzione .sql, magari usando mysqldump, seleziona il db, crea il db se non esiste e usa la query qui sotto. By mysql promt, to restore a mysql db archived...


PHP LDAP example

PHP LDAP example

My notes "; echo "Name is: ". $Myresult[0][$LDAPname][0].""; echo "Surname is: ". $Myresult[0][$LDAPsurname][0].""; echo "Email is: ". $Myresult[0][$LDAPemail][0].""; } # # ##### THE SEARCH METHOD END ####THE MODIFY METHOD ...


DokuWiki & Joomla integration: Jfusion configuration

DokuWiki & Joomla integration: Jfusion configuration

An images gallery for 'my' Jfusion configuration of the DokuWiki plugin. As first step we must configure the joomla plugin Then configure the docuwiki plugin Click on the following images to display the large screenshot of the...


Show Dokuwiki Root - Joomla Module

Show Dokuwiki Root - Joomla Module

A simple customizable module to show Dokuwiki-root links in your Joomla pages. Auto link your Dokuwiki projects directories. Version:1.0 DOWNLOAD 2011-11-24 carlo scornajenghi http://www.cybernetica.it Copyleft GNU/GPL Customize Path:Your Path...


MYSQL - backup database

Use mysqldump to export your data La cosa piu' semplice e veloce da riga di comando per esportare il proprio db è usare mysqldump MYSQL QUERY: mysqldump -u username -p –databases db_name dump.sql //The mysqldump client is a backup program originally written...